A fabulous tale, ingenious in connecting the metaphorical dots, unequivocal in exposing the players and perpetrators. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your great talents and expressive abilities, entertaining and enlightening, while also expressing our current great common foreboding.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jennifer Matsui

I won't pretend to know for sure the origins of Covid-19, but I do have a favourite theory. I found all of my clues on Wikipedia, of all places, and some random science site. So here's my take.

The head of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, can't remember her name, applied to DARPA for some gain-of-function research. She anticipated that the next phase of SARS would involve the virus growing what I'll call a 'third leg', because I don't remember or understand the actual words used. The idea though, was that this 'third leg' would help the virus to be more infectious and/or to jump more easily between species. Once this new variant was created, she would be able to develop a vaccine to defeat it. Wikipedia reports that DARPA refused to fund this research.

So I conjecture that this lady went back to her labs, and decided to do the research on her own, or with funding from the government of China instead, I dunno. Perhaps because the research grant was formally denied, maybe she decides to work on it in her spare time, in an older, less-secure lab. She succeeds in creating the virus variant at some point. But before she has time to create the vaccine for it (which is supposedly the whole point of gain-of-function research), the virus escapes containment.

This isn't proof, of course, it's just conjecture, but it's a lot of coincidences and actually makes a bit more sense than the official story of a bat fucking a pangolin or whatever.

I love your writing style, and your analysis of events is brilliant. I kinda secretly hope you're wrong about some of this, because if you happen to be right on all counts, we are soooo screwed.

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